What to do this Bank Holiday

Aug 17, 2018

How to make the most of the Bank Holiday

If you ask us, every Monday should be a bank holiday! Our countdown to the next 3-day weekend has already begun, so let the planning commence! Here’s what we suggest you should do with that extra-long weekend of yours….

A night out on the Town! - As you know Bank Holiday Sunday is always a major event in your hometown, you visit home for the weekend and end up seeing all of your old school friends stumbling around town on Sunday night – there’s always a reunion on Bank Holiday weekend and we wouldn’t want to miss it!

Make Plans with your girls - Why not make plans with your girls! We all love a girly night in to watch chick flics and gossip while we guzzle down our favourite wine! Bank Holiday is the perfect weekend to spend with your girls, talk about boys, share secrets and pamper each other. So, invite the girls over for some much-needed girl time!

Entertaining & Trying out new cocktail ideas - Welcome your friends round to try out all those cocktails you’ve been itching to create! Bank Holiday weekend is the ideal time to gather all of your close friends together and have a cocktail making contest. Winner gets a fabulous Lolita glass! 😉

Put your Lolita glasses to use this Bank Holiday weekend, have an extra-large gin and tonic in one of our extra-large glasses to celebrate not being at work on Monday!

Top 3 picks for this weekend are:

Lolita Superbling Spring Wine Glass

Lolita Hibiscus Glass

Lolita Hummingbird Glass 

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